Saturday 15 February 2025
Call: 07979 714499 | Email:


Our pre-squad 5-8 years session is for gymnasts who have been identified through a trial or through our clubs recreational sessions who are showing strong basics skills, tightness and improvement in flexibility and the ability to condition with tightness.

Within this group gymnasts will reinforce their strong basics of the sport, and continue to develop their strength and flexibility, to enable the development of more advanced skills, as well as starting to work on progressions leading up to squad based skills.

Coaches will use their professional judgement at any age from 7.5yrs – 8.5 yrs to determine the correct pathway of development, whether this be Development 8+, squad, or back to our mainstream sessions.

Within this squad there will be an opportunity to represent the club at least once a year within the East Midlands General Gymnastics 2 piece competitions.

Training days/times


5.00pm – 7.00pm

Monthly Fees – £40.00


If you would like to send us an enquiry please visit ‘contact us’ or call : 07979 714499